Teaching Jobs Overseas / JOYJOBS.COM
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Are you tired of being overlooked in the job search? Do you feel like your efforts are going unnoticed? It's time to turn the tables and give yourself an advantage over the competition. This is not just any job guide, it's the ULTIMATE Insider Job Guide, designed to arm you with the knowledge to make you DANGEROUS in the job market.
Two-thirds of the candidates may not be getting what they deserve, but YOU won't be one of them. Say goodbye to ruthless competition and picky employers, and hello to endless opportunities.
This introduction is crucial to your success, and we urge you to read it with intense focus. Understanding your priorities and establishing your goals will be the foundation for creating a personalized recruitment strategy.
Don't settle for anything less than what you truly want. Know your priorities and choose wisely. Don't waste your time applying for highly competitive jobs with prestigious schools if you're only looking for a change for a year or two. And if your goal is to save money, steer clear of expensive countries.
Ask yourself, "Why do I want to teach overseas?"
Cultural enrichment?
Professional growth?
Financial stability?
New relationships?
A revitalization of your life?
Special Interests (spiritual search, adoption, art, cuisine)?
Improving your health?
Boosting your self-esteem?
Adapting to a new environment, meeting new people, and overcoming challenges will do wonders for your self-esteem. You'll feel confident, strong, and independent. Your overseas experience will teach you to never underestimate yourself and to never put anyone on a pedestal.
“One reason why teachers teach overseas is often overlooked, however, because it has nothing to do directly with the new environment. But many teachers have found that on their return, they have acquired a new perspective on themselves and on the country from which they came, and that they understand and relate to people and issues that before did not seem relevant. This in turn has the potential to open up new opportunities for personal growth. There are many stories of teachers who have branched out in new directions on their return from an overseas assignment.”
We, for example, felt so overwhelmed with impressions and ideas that writing a book and making a Joyjobs.com website was the most natural thing to do. Neither of us had thought about it before.
Oh, that feeling of fresh wind in your sails! Because nobody knows anything about your past you are free to define yourself to your new community in any way you want. If you feel like there are things you should leave behind in your life, going overseas is an easy way to accomplish this transition.
People who never lived overseas always compare incomes in sheer dollar value. “What is my salary?” is the most frequent question. Because of the benefits, favorable tax policies and other advantages, such as free transportation, housing, utilities, etc. you are actually making up to 30–50 percent more than the same salary at home. To go home would mean a return to a much more modest lifestyle.
Teaching salaries may range from a low of $20,000 to a high of $110,000 annually. Administrative salaries may range from $35,000 to over $175,000 annually. The cost of living in the host country, the size of the school, and the isolation of the location are among factors affecting salaries.
Most beginners focus exclusively on the immediate goal of getting a job, as soon as possible. It pays, however, to look at your situation in a long–term perspective. – What do I want to be in 2–3–5 years? Setting goals gives you a sense of purpose. It is important, especially at the first step when the initial culture shock can be quite painful. A vision of where you are heading to helps a lot!
“Fight fair, but avoid fair fights.” —John Czepiel
The guerrilla fighter knows the secret to success: with just 20% effort, you can reap 80% of the rewards. This often means straying from the beaten path and taking a new approach. A successful job search can be swift and decisive, taking only 2 to 3 days with just 1 or 2 crucial hours.
To the guerrilla, only three things matter:
1. Potential employers - the schools where your chances are greatest. (Eliminate those that are not a fit, like US teachers applying to UK MoD schools or vice versa.)
2. Your strongest teaching areas - focus on your strengths and eliminate the weakest links (e.g. English, History, Music, Drama, French).
3.Geographical preferences - most competitors will only consider their favorite places. You may cross off some countries from your list, but keep your options open.
To deliver your strengths with precision to potential employers, you need a profile that's sharp, sophisticated and top-notch. Lucky for you, we've been crafting these for years, and we'll make one for you too.
Think of your profile as bait, showcasing your professional and personal credibility and sending a clear message: "I've been successful in the past, and I'll repeat that success in the future."
The main purpose of your profile is to generate hot leads (which we'll cover in the next chapter).
The answer is simple. Your profile must grab the employer's attention, and it does that by having the following key elements:
With this structure, you can showcase your talents in the most effective way possible. A well-presented summary, photo, resume, and testimonials will keep the employer captivated. Remember, brevity is key. Don't overburden your profile with too much information (a common mistake!).
Having a well-crafted profile elevates you to the level of a superior candidate. It projects a strong image to recruiters and gives you the confidence needed to win in the job search.
So, what are you waiting for? Load the ammo and get ready to conquer the job market!
Are you ready to unleash your true potential? It's not about adding more qualifications or experience. The secret to a powerful presentation lies in the art of subtraction, not addition.
Let's face it, most of our candidates have all the necessary qualifications, but they lack the focus and structure to truly shine. Our brains can't always tell us what's holding us back, which is why it's crucial to seek external help. That's why we must take control and focus on removing obstructions.
Get rid of the obstructions, just like the concept of Qi in Eastern philosophy - a natural flow of energy. That's right, it's time to channel your Qi in the right direction and reach new heights!
Here are a few examples of common roadblocks:
It's easy to get caught up in the wrong narrative. Candidates often presume that international schools cater to poor and underprivileged communities, but the truth is, these schools are filled with upper-class students and the wealthy expatriate circle. Don't fall for this trap - schools discard thousands of applications every year from candidates who build their applications on their experience in "teaching inner city kids" and "disadvantaged communities".
In fact, the opposite is true: most international schools enroll students from upper class families, as well as wealthy expatriate circles, diplomatic and business communities. Thus these candidates miss their target entirely. Schools discard thousands of such applications every year and their senders may never know why.
A picture is worth a thousand words, but the wrong picture can be a thousand words of rejection. At international schools, students wear uniforms and teachers are expected to look professional.
A casual photo can create visual discord, and little obstructions add up.
Make sure you present yourself in classic business attire for a better chance of success, especially for young teachers and inexperienced candidates. As Oscar Wilde once said, “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
Don't overload your recruitment profile. Piling up certificates, letters of reference, diplomas, and transcripts won't impress the recruiter. Instead, keep it lean and easy to digest. Edit your profile for brevity and reduce the volume once again. Remember, less is more, and lean is in!
I am proud to report that I will be teaching Chemistry starting in August at the JFK School in Berlin! Your advice and methods (such as the website you helped me put up, the questions you personally answered, and that great guide with wonderful info) have been absolutely right on. Much of my confidence and success is due to the great program you put together. Just smashing!
—Chris Weiss
I was offered 4 teaching positions! Your advice and suggestions were invaluable in my preparations. I had two interviews lined up before the job fair began, and I was in touch with several other administrators by email as well. I ended up accepting a Grade 4 position. I taught in Japan for 3 years, so I'm very fond of Asia and it will be wonderful to return. August can't come soon enough! Also, thank you for setting up my website and scanning my photos I mailed to you. I would recommend you to anyone who is wishing to find a teaching job overseas! Well Done! Sincerely,
—Anita Utas
Just after I finally ordered it, you sent me a Saudi Arabia job tip at FWIS. The position was as English teacher. After reviewing my CV, the School immediately offered me a job as an administrator and half decent bucks! Pending my visa application, I am there. Much thanks to you!
—Tom K.
Your guide was a hit for me! You really spelled out what to expect at those mysterious recruitment fairs and basically took the "fear factor" out of them. I was especially interested in the portfolio segment. That information alone paid for the program!
—Susan Kraus
We got a job! We interviewed with about 5 schools. The one we really wanted was Salvador, Brazil and we got it! Thank you very much for all of your help. The schools really liked seeing our website!
—Cristiana and Ryder
The recruitment webpage is a fantastic idea. I am telling all my friends about your service.
—Jean Haynes
The price is cheap when you compare with how much time and money I lost doing my own trial-and-error!
I want to thank you for your excellent product. My husband and I have been extremely impressed with the quality and thoroughness of the information you've provided.