Since our readers come from all over the world we have to point out that your citizenship will play an important role. Citizens of different countries will find themselves under a various set of regulations in the same country, not to mention several countries. For example, a British teacher will have much less red tape in Germany than an American. In Mexico, a Canadian national will find fewer constraints than an Irish teacher. Traditionally, the main EFL markets have had a certain inclination to either British or North American teachers. Western Europe has been the domain of the UK teachers, primarily. The European Community makes it fairly easy for the citizens to cross borders and work in any of the member countries. On the flip side, the same laws make it hard and often impossible for non-EU citizens to find legal work in these countries.
The Alfa DogYou are an Alfa Dog if you have no restrictions, are open to any offer and have a recognized TEFL certificate and relevant experience, preferably international. You have no dependents, no property and no obligations to hold you back; you can take off at any time. The world is open to you and you take no prisoners as far as recruitment is concerned. You look for the best offer regardless of the country. Your best strategy is SHOTGUN (explained below) followed by careful selection.
For language schools timing is not as critical as in the international schools market. However, some countries have vacation periods when all business stalls, for example, August in Italy and France. In most countries of the world you can apply for and secure positions throughout the year.
In Western Europe, however, the majority of openings are filled in September - October with a second wave of recruiting after Christmas holidays.
If you use snail mail to communicate with your hot prospects, it may take a few weeks to receive responses. Remember that it is not customary for schools to reply if they are not interested in a candidate. As many ads say, "Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted."
It is not a good idea to send another letter to the same school. If the director finds your application appealing the school will get in touch with you. A new request will not motivate the director to reply sooner. On the contrary, by re-sending your application you come across as pushy. Your repeated requests imply that the school is slow and inefficient. It may well be true but schools do not like that! You have to be patient if you want to receive a positive reply.
In the past, we advocated the use of email as your main means of communication. It is still so, especially at the early stage. The advantages are obvious: it is cheap, fast and efficient if used properly.
However, as more and more people use it email is becoming less effective in terms of reaching your target market. Spam is a major problem.
Because of spam, the schools often change their email accounts or delete "good" messages together with commercial solicitations.
The other problem is that because millions of people have access to email - many untrained and unqualified candidates use electronic mail to swamp schools with applications.
Unfortunately there is no cheap alternative to the problem. Many schools refuse to process email applications altogether as an attempt to screen applicants: if you are serious about working overseas you will use snail mail or fax or call!
In spite of that, email can be very effective, as long as your use it properly.
A lot of people fail simply because they do not know how to use email. A sloppy message has no chances. Many messages get trashed unopened. Follow these rules to get an edge over your competitors:
In other words, your email message must not look like spam. Most spam filters block an email if they detect multiple recipients. Not only will you get zero responses but your email address will likely to be added to the spam filter banned list.
The other common give away is the use of the $ sign and the words money, sex, female, girl and the like in the subject line (e.g. "Sexy female teacher looking for $$$!!!!")
What to do to avoid the problem? Never use the CC: function (carbon copy) to email several recipients at the same time. Always send one message at a time.
If your message bypassed the spam filter it may still be trashed unopened. A subject line is all you have to make your recipient open your message. We suggest using UPPER CASE for the subject line. It always gets noticed. But a LONG UPPER CASE SUBJECT LINE IS ALWAYS GETS YOUR MESSAGE DELETED!
What to do? Use a short upper case subject line, e.g. RSA/CELTA: JOB WANTED CERTIFIED & EXPERIENCEDNEW TEFL TEACHER?
What to do? Use a short upper case subject line, e.g. --
This rule is critical. It applies to ALL your communication documents including faxes and snail mail.
If possible, address the person by name. You can also mention the school, city and country (see sample introduction letter.) What you are trying to do is to avoid the impression that you are sending copies of the same message. Of course, it takes a bit of extra effort and time but this is the only way to go if you expect results from your campaign.
As a member you are entitled to a free online resume. Use every opportunity to promote yourself with it! It really works if you do it correctly.
When you broadcast your MP by email your message has the advantage of clickable links.
Unlike printed text, all your recipient needs to do is click on a URL inside the message. How to make the reader click? It's fairly easy: use the proven teaser line: HERE IS MY PHOTO (and point to your webpage URL)
Most people are very curious as far as personal photos are concerned. Unless your email sounds like an X-rated spam message (refer to Rule #1) most people WILL open your page to take a look at your picture.
When the page opens, give them a good presentation - your summary must be compelling, as well as your CV.
As you see, there is NO SINGLE secret; it is a matter of outperforming your competition at every little step that results in an overwhelming advantage.
You do not need to be extraordinary. As we said earlier, the job is half done if you simply avoid the mistakes!
Above all, use your words carefully as this is where most bad mistakes come from. For example, if you address a school in China do not mention Haiku poetry -- this is Japanese.
There are still tensions between many countries (Korea and Japan, Greece and Turkey) so it is easy for an outsider to say something that will offend local people.
This pro-active method has the substantial advantages over responding to job ads:
You are not limited to the announced schools and locations
You dictate the time frame
Get a job before it is announced! That's why many jobs are never announced in the first place
By being pro-active you leave your passive competition behind
To succeed, you only need a good resume, cover letter and a directory of schools + some persistence.
To multiply the results, you should combine contacting schools with submitting your application to the recruiting organizations. The recruiters will then forward your application to the schools they work with thus increasing your overall exposure.
Those who look for a best possible contract, as fast as possible, should always use the shotgun method. It requires some effort and persistence but it brings the most options to choose from.
If your situation requires that you focus on a specific country or city your approach must be different:
Target only the schools that operate in this particular area
Depending on the market specifics your only option may be traveling to the country first and using the face-to-face approach to look for work
Apply to the regional recruiting organization
Post classified ads to local media and other local resources (e.g. message boards, churches, etc.)
Apply by mail/online and then travel for personal interviews
Fax has the advantages of being direct and visible: you can't delete with a click! Because most of your competitors will be using email you can beat them by switching to a more powerful channel - the fax.
Unlike email, all schools have fax machines, and in many countries it is the preferred communication tool.
With the abundance of computers and specialized fax services it's plain dumb. Here's what you should do: download and install Net2Phone. It is a nifty free application that is designed for Internet phone calls. But you are going to use it as a fax machine!
Few people know that it has a FAX program built-in. For a fraction of the cost of a regular fax service you can flood overseas schools with dozens of faxes. Buy $25 worth of time and fax away! This is the ultimate shotgun technique.
We have used this system in the past 2-3 years with great success. In fact, we use Net2Fax every time we need to fax anything.
Naturally, you transfer FILES, not paper documents. When a Net2fax dialog box pops up, click your way to your CV and introduction letter (one file at a time) and provide a fax number. TIPS:
2. Provide a valid email address when setting up the system: you will receive an instant email notification if the transfer was successful or not.
3. Some schools turn off their fax machines at the end of the day. If you have a problem with a particular number log in to JOYJOBS.COM world clock and make sure you send your fax during business hours in the target country.
Unlike phone calls, internet faxes take almost no time to transmit so your $25 will last for a very long time; in fact, you can build your entire marketing campaign on Net2Fax alone!
Getting Personal: Telephone
In the past, we recommended Net2Phone but in North America the abundance of international calling cards made internet telephony almost obsolete. Of course, you can still use it, but for such sensitive and important tasks as a job search we recommend using the good old telephone, with a calling card.
With the prices falling down to a few cents a minute on calls to Europe and Far East it is simply not smart to ignore direct phone calls - especially for urgent requests and to follow up on hot contacts.
Since your competition will be using primarily email and snail mail, your direct phone calls will leave them in the dust - again.
A dedicated chapter on telephone interviews and cold calling is included in The Insider Secrets to Finding a Teaching Job Overseas. In this guide, we will only mention the critical rules:
Rule #1. Know what time to call. You do not want to waste your calling time on a recording machine. Always verify that it is daytime in the country you are calling.
Rule #2. Be nice regardless of who you are talking to. Talk to a secretary as if she were the boss.
Rule #2. Be prepared. If the director is not available you must be prepared to leave a message (ask for an alternative phone number, verify the director's name, request employment information, etc. etc.).
In fact, the secretary can be the most reliable source of insider information. Secretaries know a lot; and they always feel under-appreciated. Treat them right and you will learn a lot.
Rule #3. Write down everything immediately.
Finding a position in a limited market can be challenging. Sometimes you absolutely must go to a specific country or even particular city. If this is the case you need all the tools and tricks to maximize your chances.
How to locate unadvertised vacancies? Use the bait and switch methods.
1. Create a virtual profile that has a very high hiring potential: (CETLA/DELTA/Trinity, degrees, experience, eligibility for work visa in the target country, single, no dependents.)
2. Set up a web-based email account under this name. Use it to broadcast your virtual profile to the targeted employers.
3. Soon, you will begin receiving responses from the schools that took the bait.
4. Request more information and use it to customize your real resume and cover letter.
5. Cancel offers. Be polite; thank the employers for their offers (if there are any) and express regret that you cannot accept them.
6. Then submit your real MP (customized and targeted) to these schools. Of course, this time you must use your regular channels (fax, email, snailmail.)
A lot of candidates do not want to engage in any of the above and look for what seems like the easiest way: responding to job ads. This surely works for many people, and many reputable schools and recruiting organizations advertise their openings.
Read the ad carefully and follow the application directions exactly even if they contradict what we recommend. The market is very fluid and the schools may change their procedures depending on the situation. For example, a school that usually accepts applications by mail only can request EMAIL resumes if they need to full a position quickly. Just do what they say.
When you reply to a job ad the initiative is not yours. It is the advertiser that controls the situation. Because publications can't (and do not) verify the information all scams and cowboy schools operate exclusively by using direct advertising.
In other words, your chances of getting scammed are proportionate to your using ads as a job search method.
Well-run and reputable schools rarely need to use broadband advertising to attract candidates: networking, personal contacts, direct applications usually bring enough applicants!
When a school begins to post ads it means the "regular" methods do not work. There are many legitimate reasons for that: for example the school has expanded and needs new teachers quickly. Or it is a new school that has no established connections with recruiting organizations and TEFL schools.
But it can also mean that the school is poorly equipped, does not pay well and can't attract any teachers.
While it seems like job ads are the best way to find a job they are really not that good: you are limited to what has left after the Alfa dogs skimmed the milk.
Overseas employment ads must not be taken for granted. Some possible situations are as follows:
Some schools (especially in Asia) offer a commission fee to their current and former teachers to act as headhunters. When you come across such a post you have to realize that the person who wrote it is motivated by the commission fee. Providing the truthful information about the employer is not in their best interest.
"Free" services
We all like free stuff but in the job context looking for free service is a bad idea. Here is why. If your agency does not charge you it only means that it makes money by charging the employers. Consequently, this agency will always act in the best interest of the employers, not you.
If you look for a real example, login to the members area and select the ALERTS section. Scroll down for the agency that specializes in Saudi Arabia.
Don't believe everything they say
Regardless of what a job ad says, the real situation is always different. "Paid airfare" can be a one way trip. "Free housing" can be a small shared apartment. Do not assume anything. The schools always aim higher: almost all say they require a TEFL certificate and 2 years experience. In real life, it is the market that determines the actual situation.
If a school has difficulties in attracting the high-end segment of the teaching candidates it will consider untrained teachers. Why? Because the only alternative would be to go out of business.
Working for a cowboy school is often the only option if you lack qualifications. But even Working for a cowboy school is often the only option if you lack qualifications. But even trained and experienced teachers may end up working for a disreputable school. That's why research and preparation always pay back.
In a tight market, a well-written resume and introduction letter accompanied by a professional photo can win you a job offer even if you lack the required credentials.
For more on this subject please read How to Hit a Homerun later in this Guide.
Some people (especially those lacking teacher training) invest in creating a home video of themselves and send it to potential employers. We do not recommend it:
1. It is hard to produce a high quality video; an amateur home-made tape will probably turn off the recruiter rather than win you a job offer.
2. Making a substantial amount of copies and shipping them abroad is also cost-prohibitive.
Here's what you can do. If you are technically savvy and have the right equipment you can make a small digital clip. Use a digital camcorder (DV or Digital8 format) and then edit the file on your Mac or PC (with I-Movie or similar software.) As digital video becomes more popular and affordable we expect this form of self-promotion will become standard in a few years.
Schools that have high-speed internet access (DSL or cable) can easily download your presentation clip from your webpage. ( members can add a video or sound file to their current webpages.) You can also distribute it on a CD-R.
Audio files are much simpler to create and share. Anyone can talk into a computer microphone and save the resulting WAV file. It can be attached to an email or better yet, added to your JOYJOBS.COM promotional webpage.
For online distribution, converting your file into a streaming audio format (RealAudio, QuickTime, Microsoft Media, etc) is still a better way. Members can email us for help. It seems like a lot of hassle but you need to set it up only once!
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